Institutional Marketing Vs Emotional Direct Response Marketing

Everyday you’re bombarded with 40,000 advertising messages, this may seem far-fetched, but from the time you wake up to the time you go to bed, you are constantly being bombarded.

Consciously think of having breakfast, basically every item you pick up has a marketing message on the packaging, think of when you drive to work, how many marketing messages do you consciously or subconsciously encounter?

A Noisy Cluttered Space

Your buyers’ world is noisy and cluttered with attention seeking adverting messages and gimmicks seeking their attention.

So you need to learn how to stand out from the crowd and outsmart your competition and avoid institutional adverting and develop Emotional Direct Response Marketing skills which capture their attention, appeal and apply to your buyer’s deepest needs and wants.

What I’ll teach you in this series applies to all of your marketing, not just your online presence

The Business Owner who masters emotional direct response marketing will dominate their market. History has proven this time and time again

What is Institutional Advertising?

There is no call to action and usually no compelling reason to do business with the advertiser.

An example of this are TV ads. Majority of them are garbage and they don’t ask you to do anything.

That’s why I refer to business owners as “advertising victims” of institutional adverting

They might as well flush their money down the toilet.

Emotional Direct Response Marketing is NOT!!

1. Getting your name out there.
2. It isn’t name recognition.
3. It isn’t building an image or brand.
4. It isn’t getting your name in front of as many people as you can
5. It isn’t bragging about how excellent you are.
6. It is not copying Fortune 100 companies’ inane or funny advertising.
7. It is not cold prospecting.
8. It is not begging people for referrals.
9. It’s not manipulation or unethical tactics.

What is Emotional Direct Response Marketing

1. Have you noticed all of those infomercials on TV?
2. They are using emotional direct response marketing.
3. Product scarcity
4. Limited Time Offer
5. A Call to Action—Today! —This Minute! —Right NOW

EDRM Aims to Find Buyers Who are:

These 7 points are answering customers fears and concerns, they are pre-qualifying themselves to buy your product or service.

1. pre-interested
2. pre-motivated
3. pre-qualified
4. it makes selling easy, predictable and profitable
5. EDRM will sift, sort and screen people
6. Qualifies who you want to talk to and do business with
7. it is the quickest way to the sale.

A system built on these fundamental principles implemented properly, will bring a hungry crowd of Prequalified prospects automatically to your door.

What is EDRM?

In summary:

It is a systematic, sustainable marketing system that allows you to achieve:

1. maximum productivity
2. maximum leverage
3. allows you to achieve massive results
4. with the least amount of time and effort.

Emotional Direct Response Marketing

These are the fundamental keys, to (EDRM) Emotional Direct Response Marketing

1. Identifies the problem
2. Aggravates the problem. Once you have identified and aggravated the problem enough, it will cause your customer to take action.
3. Provides the solution
4. And makes you the logical solution to their problem

After you’ve done these four things, back that up with testimonies or positive reviews.

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