Do you want to learn how to market yourself and your business on Pinterest? Are you looking for a resource to guide your Pinterest marketing efforts? Whether you’re marketing on Pinterest as an individual or as a brand, these expert articles will show you how to build a following, optimize your pins and boards, measure the return on your activities and promote your pins with paid advertising. Each of these articles will help you understand and master a specific part of marketing on the Pinterest platform. Thanks to Lisa D. Jenkins for sharing this article.

Build a Board

How to Start a Pinterest Board That Succeeds: Are your prospects on Pinterest? Do you want to start a Pinterest board? When starting on Pinterest, you’ll want to fill new boards with quality starter pins. Once you’ve launched your new boards, it’s important to pin more content to them daily. This article shows how to develop Pinterest boards for your business.

guide to pinterest marketing success

Discover a complete guide to Pinterest marketing success.

Optimize Your Pins and Boards

5 Ways to Get Your Pins Noticed on Pinterest: Is Pinterest important to your business? Do you want to get your pins in front of more people? This article shows five ways to get your pins noticed on Pinterest.

Use Pinterest’s Tools

Pinterest Interests: What Marketers Need to Know: Do you want to find good content to repin on Pinterest? Finding good content to repin has always been crucial for Pinterest success. The solution is to follow interests on Pinterest. Here’s how to find and use Pinterest interests to improve visibility and engagement.

social media examiner pinterest interests article

Discover how interests can benefit your marketing.

How to Use Pinterest Messages for Marketing: Do you want a new way to engage your Pinterest followers? Have you used Pinterest messages? Pinterest’s newest feature lets you communicate directly with your followers via private message. This article explores Pinterest messages and how you can use them to engage your audience.

How to Use Pinterest Rich Pins: What Marketers Need to Know: Have you heard about Pinterest rich pins and how they can help your marketing? This article shows you how businesses can get more from Pinterest rich pins.

6 Ways to Promote Your Business With Pinterest Places: Do you use Pinterest to promote your business? Have you heard of Pinterest place pins? Whether you have a storefront, products or a travel aspect to your business, consider exploring the geographic elements of Pinterest. In this article you’ll learn six ways you can use Pinterest place pins to promote your business or products.

Analyze and Measure Your Pinterest Efforts

The Pinterest Analytics Tool: How to Use It for Business: Are you struggling to measure your Pinterest efforts? The new Pinterest Analytics tool gives you access to a variety of data, including how potential customers interact with your pins beyond your website. This article shows how the Pinterest Analytics features help you get the most out of your Pinterest marketing.

social media examiner pinterest analytics article

Follow the metrics that affect your marketing.

4 Ways to Improve Your Pinterest Marketing With Analytics: Do you use Pinterest to market your business? Most brands on Pinterest aren’t tracking their metrics. The companies that do are finding optimized engagement. This article shares four ways to improve your Pinterest marketing efforts.

4 Pinterest Tools to Grow and Measure Your Pinterest Presence: Do you need help measuring your Pinterest activity? Are you wondering which tools can help you grow your followers on Pinterest? In this article you’ll discover four tools to help you analyze and grow your presence on Pinterest.

Improve Your Pinterest Marketing

How to Optimize Your Pins for the Pinterest Smart Feed: Have you heard about the Pinterest smart feed and how it impacts your exposure? Are you wondering what it means for your pins? With its smart feed, Pinterest enhanced key features, which means you need to do things differently to make your pins stand out. This article explains the Pinterest smart feed and how to use Pinterest’s changes to your advantage.

social media examiner pinterest smart feed article

Gain visibility in Pinterest’s smart feed.

5 Ways to Take Your Pinterest Marketing to the Next Level: Do you use Pinterest for your business? Most companies open a Pinterest account, pin their content and repin other people’s material. While that’s a great place to start, it’s the bare minimum. In this article are five techniques to improve your Pinterest marketing.

7 Pinterest Marketing Tips to Improve Your Visibility: Do you know which Pinterest tactics work best today? We asked top social media professionals what they’re doing to get results from Pinterest marketing right now. This article shares seven pro tips that can boost your business’s Pinterest marketing.

6 Ways to Use Pinterest to Promote Your Brand: Have you ignored Pinterest because you think your brand isn’t a fit? Every brand has a story to tell and visual content can help you tell it. Sharing your story with Pinterest’s engaged and active audience via compelling pictures is a great place to start. In this article you’ll see how six brands got creative with Pinterest and gained new followers and engagement.

How to Use Pinterest for Videos, SlideShare and Podcasts: Do you only share images on Pinterest? Would you like to share other content to grow your followers on Pinterest and other social networks? You can also share videos, SlideShare presentations and audio podcasts and extend your exposure, thanks to Pinterest. This article explains how you can use Pinterest to increase exposure for your videos, SlideShares and podcasts.

social media examiner pinterest media pin article

Grow exposure for your YouTube, SlideShare and podcast content on Pinterest.

Grow Your Pinterest Following

6 Ways to Get More Pinterest Followers: Have you optimized your Pinterest profile, website and images for maximum exposure? A strong Pinterest community tells others you’re a trusted source of information. This article shares six simple ways to quickly increase your number of Pinterest followers.

Understand Pinterest Advertising

How to Use Pinterest Promoted Pins: Do you want a way to give extra exposure to certain pins? You can do just that with promoted pins, Pinterest’s answer to advertising. This article explains what promoted pins are and shares tips on how, when and why to use them.

social media examiner pinterest promoted pins article

Get more exposure for important pins.

Offer Contests on Pinterest

How to Run a Pinterest Contest Without Breaking the Rules: Are you aware of Pinterest contest rules and regulations? After many businesses misused the relaxed format, Pinterest revised its contest rules. They now require that contests be easy to enter, spam-free and in alignment with Pinterest branding guidelines. This article explains what you need to know to run successful and compliant Pinterest contests.

To find more tips, tactics and strategies, view a complete library of Pinterest articles.

What do you think? What articles have helped you develop a successful Pinterest marketing presence? Please leave your thoughts and comments below.

This article was originally
published by Lisa D. Jenkins on

This content is syndicated news that can be used for your research, and we hope that it can help your productivity. This content is for educational purposes and is not made for any kind of commercial purposes of this blog.